Our sole approach is to identify market-based growth opportunities in low income communities through research, education, policy development and programs/services that will lead to a paradigm shift in the approach of inner-city community economic development for low income communities.

Homeownership Education

A part of getting families back on their feet is getting them in appreciate housing. We offer a variety of home ownership free workshops. These workshop provide very specific information on what is required to become a homeowner or to become renter eligible.

Food & Hygiene Program(s)

Providing clothes and hot meals is one of our goals. We know that with each encounter we have with the community we are truly making a difference.

Food & Hygiene Program
Food & Hygiene Program

Our Food & Hygiene Program is to provide those in struggling communities with meals, clothes, and shoes. Each year our goal is to service even more families.

Feed A Child Program
Feed A Child Program

While schools are out on break, there are hundreds of children that depend on school meals. Our Feed A Child Programs provide several meals to families with school aged children while they are out for spring break. The meals we provide make so many families in need very happy. That makes us happy.